Day 19.3- To Seven Lakes Basin!
Tuesday. Start 7:15a. Lo 20. Stop 5p. Hi 40. Miles 9.3. Elev 6000.

The dawn of an incredibly clear and beautiful day!
What a day! Not quite as icy as yesterday but crusty crusty crusty! I often wondered, as I often picked myself up from the snow, who else besides me will ever ski this route. I have pushed through 18 inches of powder, but this stuff is down right frustrating and a bit dangerous. Conditions need to be just right for this segment and how often will that happen?
I didn’t make many miles today but I worked hard for each one. Trying to stay balanced with a 40 pound pack on my back (over 20 pounds of food, water, and fuel because of no resupply) is a slugfest with every mogul and incline. No relaxing allowed!
I did, however, make it past Devil’s Peak this time. The west approach through the gap between Jupiter and Lucifer peaks is better than the east approach, but that is not saying much. Once again you need just the right conditions for a lot of side sloping, which usually means icy crust on the north facing downhill. Skis off. Time to post hole.
I almost didn’t attempt it as I considered the nasty surprises I had already encountered. I was thinking about going much farther east than I had two years ago, when a clear voice in my head said, Try it! I figured I would go a little ways so I could still turn east, but the route opened itself as I proceeded. I believe the Spirit is always speaking to all of us, but I am impressed and encouraged when my Father speaks to me more noticeably.
I would love to get to Rim Village tomorrow, but with these conditions I doubt it. I just want a smooth ride after finishing the tricky part of this segment. I doubt that too. January isn’t what it used to be!

Looking south to McLoughlin, and Shasta is far left rear