Day 12- Friendly
April 28, 2017
Segment: Hwy 140 to Long Lake, 10.5 miles.
Weather: High 40 degrees, sunny.
Friendly weather. Friendly terrain. Friendly territory. Friendly conditions. Even a friendly send off. My daughter, Angela, snowshoed the first mile and a half with me! After we ate a bit and talked a lot, she went back down to the car and I continued up to Four Mile Lake. We had first pulled into the PCT parking lot, but I walked the trail and saw more ground than snow. We went back to Four Mile road and found 100% coverage.

Yes, it is a great day!
It never registered higher than 40 on my thermometer, but the sun was warm and unshaded by even a single cloud. We parted ways about 1:30 and I skied up to the canal that supplies water to Medford. A curious mood hit me and I skied the canal path. I’ve hiked it twice before and with the good, long weather forecast I wanted to do something a bit different. But not for too long. It headed on a long southern loop around a mountain and going backward lost its appeal. I crossed over (snow filled area of canal!) to an old road and headed north again.

Meltwater from Fourmile Lake slowly making its way down to Medford
It felt good to wander a bit in familiar territory and the snow was fairly packed and fast. This is the section I have been looking forward to the most and here I am on a beautiful, wonderful, gorgeous day!

Mt. McLoughlin behind Lake Bernice.
We parked at 5000‘ and the lake is at 6000’. As I mounted the rim I could see the lake was still frozen. It looked cool but also told me finding meltwater would not be easy.
I ate supper in the little snow hut and noted that I would like to brink Rhonda and Angela back here soon, especially since there is a vault outhouse just 200 yards away. And the view is incredible!

Mt. McLoughlin overlooking Fourmile Lake. (Didn’t discover the dirty lense until I got home. :(
Going around Fourmile Lake to the east, I passed Woodpecker and Badger lakes then setup camp at Long Lake. There is a bit of melt water here but it is not flowing. White snow is better than green liquid.

Bald eagle perched above Fourmile Lake. It’s partner flew off before I could get my camera out.

Off to hunt for frozen fish!
I am looking forward to Sabbath tomorrow in the heart of my backyard!

The lake belongs to me, and to a mystery bird that sounds like a sonar ping
Thank you, Jesus, for blessing me with Angela and a very promising trip.